Andrew JD Hudson

This Week I learned

Thursday, 21 November 2024


Netlify Redirects with Astro

Yesterday I was attempting to do a redirect on my Astro site which is hosted on Netlify (for free, really excellent hosting!) to my newly created Sveltekit site on a different sub-domain. I followed the recommended method of using a _redirects file in the public folder - this is specific to Astro, normally on other Netlify sites it just needs to be in the root of the project.

Here was my initial code:

# /public/_redirects

but nothing was working.

I then did some further research and discovered I needed to do a forced redirect because the Astro site still has an existing /cv route and code which meant that the redirect wasn’t working.

The solution was to use a 301 redirect with some extra force - the !. Here’s the final code I used:

# /public/_redirects
/cv 301!


This week in my French classes at the Alliance Francaise we continued learning the pronouns COD / COI as explained here and also continued to utilise the past tenses passé composé and the imparfait.


I am continuing to learn about CSS anchor positioning with @starting-style and popover action. Further to this I have started a seperate CV site using sveltekit.

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